Grundfjeldslys / Bedrock light

Duration: 12 min
Premiere performance: Organist James D. Hicks at Nuuk Cathedral, June 6th 2023

The work consists of two movements:

1. Præludium
2. Postludium

The Præludium is based on the hymn:
– Ii, seqernup qaammaringaarluni (Se, nu stiger solen)

The Postludium is based on the hymns:
– Ilassiuk qujanera (Nu bede vi den Helligånd)
– Qutsinneq Guuti kisiat (Aleneste Gud i Himmerig)
– Guutimit aallartitaasartutit (Du, som går ud fra den levende Gud)
and elements from traditional drum singing with qilaat-accompagnement